DEXATON injection

a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, Adrenal Hormone (by IM or subcutaneous injection)

Composition:  Each mL contains

Dexamethasone Disodium Phosphate ……………………… 1mg

Feature and Benefits

1. As a synthetic adrenocortical hormone, DEXATON injection is widely indicated for ketosis, various inflammations, allergic diseases, shock in operation and combined therapy with antibiotics.

2. DEXATON injection can reduce the use of antibiotics for treatment.

3. DEXATON injection stimulates mammary gland directly, so that it can treat the problem of MMA syndrome (agalactia, mastitis, endometritis)

4. DEXATON injection shows effect without resulting in weakness of defence mechanism against infectious disease.

Category    General Therapeutics

Product type    Injectable solution

Target animal(s)    Swine, Bovine, Companion animal, Others

Packing     20mL, 50mL vials


For treatment of treatment of ketosis, pre-and post-partum astasia, allergic dermatitis, milk fever, MMA syndrome (agalactia, mastitis, endometritis), arthritis, eczema, otitis, induration due to inflammation, edema, pneumonia, bronchitis, azoturia, tendinitis, vaginitis, injury, shock in operation and inflammation., etc. of cattle, horse, swine, dog and cat

Precaution(s) and others:

  • Precaution(s) and others
  • Store at room temperature.
  • The withdrawal periods for human consumption are as followings.

Cattle, Horse - 8 days | Swine - 6 days | Milk - 1 day

Dosage and Use:

Inject the following dose once a day intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

Cattle, Horse : 2mL per 100kg of b.w

In case of induced labor of cattle, 20mL / a head

Calf, Adult swine : 3~5mL / a head

Piglet : 1~2mL / a head

Dog, Cat : 1~2mL / a head

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